The APS Unit is located within the Electromagnetism and Telecommunication Department (Prof. Patrice Mégret)
31 Boulevard Dolez, 7000 Mons, Belgium (University of Mons, UMONS)

Clean room of class 10,000

  • Optical set-up with a continuous-wave frequency-quadrupled fiber laser for FBG production with the phase mask and Lloyd mirror techniques
  • Optical set-up with a Ti:sapphire amplified femtosecond pulses laser (800 nm, 400 nm or 266 nm): phase mask technique and point-by-point or line-by-line or plane-by-plane methods based on a 2-axis air-bearing translation stage and a microscope objective

Fully-equipped biophotonic lab

  • Noria facility from Northlab Photonics for semi-automated production of FBGs with the phase mask technique and a 193 nm Excimer pulsed laser
  • Two sputtering chambers (magnetron plasma, evaporator) for thin metal film deposition
  • Biochemical bench-top and microfluidic facilities
  • Several ovens (up to +1200°C)

Shared with the Electromagnetism and Telecommunication Department lab

  • Climate Chamber: – 90°C to +160°C with relative humidity level from 10 to 90%
  • 3 optical spectrum analyzers, broadband light sources and tunable laser sources
  • Numerous FBG interrogators
  • Optical vector analyzer from LUNA